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Teenager, Someone Does Care!

Nov 28, 2021

If you don't believe in miracles you need to hear this story!

Nov 21, 2021

Regardless of what anyone has told you or what you personally believe---you are NOT hopeless and your life has great meaning! The most wonderful eternity is only one prayer away!

Nov 14, 2021

Teenager you may think you are invincible but I promise you---you will not beat the system---the system will be you and when everything is said and done it will laugh at you and leave you struggling to make sense of it all. God has a wonderful plan for you and eternity!

Nov 7, 2021

There is a God who loves you and can bring you through any situation no matter how bad! The young lady who will share today came through very miserable circumstances at home even a fight with her mother on Christmas eve that resulted in her mom being arrested/